Rosacea Treatment in Miami
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is the term associated with flushing & redness. Rosacea is a common skin disorder that can happen to anyone and currently affects people throughout the world. The condition lacks a clear cause, so it can be difficult to successfully treat. However, doctors believe that rosacea is tied to an immune system problem, and there are several known treatment options that help clear up rosacea flare-ups. While the condition isn’t entirely curable at present, there are many ways that your dermatologist can help you keep the condition under control so you can continue with your life without worrying about rosacea blemishes.
What are the main rosacea causes?
The cause of rosacea is not currently fully understood, though it’s thought to be associated with an immune system response problem. What doctors do understand is that certain factors can contribute to a person developing rosacea at some point.
- Genetics (someone in your family having rosacea)
- Age
- Skin damage due to sun exposure
- Having certain skin type (e.g., lighter skin tone)
- Gender

Additionally, There are several triggers for rosacea that can worsen an outbreak or cause a new flare-up. These may include:
- Eating overly hot foods
- Eating overly spicy foods
- Taking certain medications
- Using certain skin products
- Spending too much time in the heat
- Consuming alcohol
How do you clear up rosacea?
Many people wonder what they can do to help keep rosacea from progressing, such as what to eat with rosacea or which skincare products work best on rosacea skin. Just as certain foods and environmental factors can trigger a person’s rosacea, there are also things you can do to help prevent or control your rosacea. Below are some of the food and lifestyle choices you can incorporate into your daily routine if you’re trying to prevent or manage rosacea symptoms.
Anti-Rosacea Food Choices
Try the following food choices that are believed to help prevent rosacea flare-ups:
- Green beans
- Cauliflower
- Mangos
- Grapes
- Poultry
- Salmon
- Asparagus
- Celery
- Leafy greens
- Nuts
- Lean meat
- Berries
- Bananas
- Okra
- Cucumber
- Pumpkin
- Onion
- Lentils
- Tempeh
- Kale
Anti-Rosacea Lifestyle Choices
You can also try these self-care and lifestyle changes to prevent or relieve a rosacea outbreak:
- Avoiding alcohol
- Avoiding spicy foods
- Knowing your personal triggers and avoiding them
- Visiting a dermatologist routinely
- Using dermatologist-recommended skincare
- Avoiding excessive sunlight
- Avoiding using hairspray
- Avoiding excessive heat
Participating in activities that lower your stress levels
How do you stop rosacea from progressing?
Unfortunately, there’s no exact cure for rosacea. However, using the above self care, regular skin doctor visits, diet, and lifestyle adjustments can help you reverse the signs of rosacea and keep it from coming back. The best way to manage your symptoms long-term is by regularly visiting with your dermatologist and following your doctor’s recommended skincare routine.
What is the best treatment for rosacea?
For a quick solution for resolving rosacea, the best thing you can do is to schedule a visit with your dermatologist as soon as you can. Your dermatologist can get you started on a skincare regimen and medication (if necessary) right away. The best way to completely manage your rosacea and prevent flare-ups is by forming good skincare habits and avoiding your known triggers.
Your dermatologist may recommend one of these rosacea treatment options:
- Antibiotics for rosacea
- Laser treatment for rosacea
- Prescription medications for rosacea
- Topical creams for rosacea
What helps rosacea flare-ups?
Rosacea flare-ups go away in time with the proper treatment from your dermatologist. Because everyone’s skin is unique, the exact method for resolving a rosacea flare-up will vary from person to person. Your dermatologist will help you learn more about your skin and how to treat it for flare-ups. Additionally, because everyone’s skin is different, the time it takes for your rosacea flare-ups to calm down will vary as well. For most people, the flare-up will resolve within a few weeks with proper care.
Rosacea FAQs
Rosacea flare-ups can be triggered by a variety of factors, including sun exposure, hot or spicy foods, emotional stress, and extreme temperatures. Identifying and avoiding personal triggers is a key step in managing rosacea effectively.
Selecting a dermatologist who specializes in rosacea is crucial. Look for a board-certified dermatologist with experience in treating rosacea patients. Dr. Zaiac has fantastic reviews from patients with rosacea, demonstrating that he has been successful at helping address this common issue.
Laser treatments are safe for many types of rosacea, but they may not be suitable for everyone. Dr. Zaiac can assess whether laser treatment is appropriate for you based on the type and severity of your rosacea.
The time it takes to see improvements can vary depending on the treatment type and the symptoms' severity. Some patients may see results from topical treatments or antibiotics within several weeks, while laser treatments may require multiple sessions and take longer to show noticeable changes.
The frequency of dermatologist visits depends on the severity and responsiveness of your rosacea to treatment. Initially, more frequent visits may be necessary to establish an effective treatment plan. Once your rosacea is under control, you might only need to see your dermatologist for maintenance a few times a year.
There is evidence to suggest that rosacea may have a genetic component, as it is more common in individuals with a family history of the condition. However, environmental factors and lifestyle choices also play significant roles in the onset and progression of rosacea.