Sun exposure can take its toll on your skin all year round, not just in summer. Wearing makeup with SPF (sun protection factor) helps protect your skin by adding sun protection every time you wear makeup. SPF makeup is like ordinary cosmetics; however, these ingenious products contain a skin-protection ingredient— sunscreen. SPF ratings are stated on makeup to let you know how much longer you can stay in the sun without suffering from sun damage. The SPF rating is just like the one printed on containers of sunscreen.
Benefits of Buying Makeup with SPF
- Convenience: Makeup with SPF is an easy way to look more beautiful and protect your skin all in one step.
- Full face, eye and lip protection: When you wear foundation, face powder, under eye concealer, and lipstick all containing sunscreen, you’re protecting your entire face against the sun’s damaging effects.
- Timesaver: If you wear sunscreen makeup, there’s no need to add a separate layer of sunscreen before applying cosmetics.
Finding the Right SPF – What SPF number actually works?
SPF ratings denote how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned when you’re wearing that sunscreen, as compared with the time it takes you to burn without wearing it. For example, if you burn after 10 minutes of sun exposure, SPF 15 allows you to be in the sun for up to 150 minutes without burning.
SPF numbers can be confusing. It’s logical to think that an SPF 30 protects twice as much as an SPF 15, but unfortunately, that’s not the case.
- SPF 15 blocks about 94% of UVB rays
- SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
- SPF 45 blocks about 98% of UVB rays
Once the SPF number gets above SPF 45, it blocks slightly more of the sun’s rays, but not by much. Products with an SPF of 30 or 45 should do the job of protecting your skin.
Advantages of Applying Sunscreen or SPF Makeup Daily
Protecting your skin from sun damage and cancer requires vigilance, which means applying sunscreen everyday. Daily sunscreen application protects your face by not giving those harmful rays a chance to age or damage your skin.
Tricks to Remind You to Apply Sunscreen
Remembering to wear sunscreen can easily get lost in the shuffle of a busy day. Here are tips on remembering to protect that precious skin of yours:
- Use your smartphone alarm: Set a separate alarm on your phone to remind you to apply sunscreen that rings before you leave the house.
- Leave your sunscreen or sunscreen makeup products out where you can see them: Keeping your sunscreen products where they’re easily visible will help remind you to use them. Hiding them in a cabinet or drawer puts them out of sight – and out of mind.
How Much Sun Exposure Can You Have on a Daily Basis?
Exposure to the sun helps your body manufacture vitamin D, but how much sun do you need for this? Much will depend on where you live and the climate conditions. Generally, according to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 5–30 minutes of sun exposure between 10AM and 3PM at least twice a week without sunscreen, is usually enough to produce sufficient vitamin D.
If you want to minimize or even reverse past sun damage, the dermatologists at the Greater Miami Skin & Laser Center can help. If you notice changes or the development of moles that itch or bleed, you’ll need to see a dermatologist right away, as it could be a sign of skin cancer. Contact us today for a consultation.