Will My Port Wine Stain Go Away?

woman with port-wine stain (birthmark) on her face.

Port wine stains are birthmarks that can appear on different parts of the body, including the face, legs or arms.

Are Port Wine Stains Dangerous?

Port wine stains are not dangerous. These stains are a cosmetic issue that can cause people to feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially if they are in a highly visible area.

What Causes a Port Wine Stain?

Problems with capillaries can cause port wine stains to form. These birthmarks can develop due to capillaries that are dilated too much, which lets in higher amounts of blood. In some cases, port wine stains occur as a sign of Sturge Weber syndrome.

Can Port Wine Birthmarks Be Removed?

Port wine birthmarks can be removed with different types of treatment, although results may differ from each person. Laser treatments can help minimize the appearance of these marks. Those who have a darker or larger port wine stain might need to have several treatment sessions done.

Do Port Wine Stains Run in Families?

Port wine stains don’t typically run in families. In fact, there aren’t any known risk factors that increase the chance of having one of these birthmarks.

Are Port Wine Stains Permanent?

Port wine stains can be permanent if they are not removed or treated. These types of birthmarks generally don’t go away on their own, and they can get darker and change texture with age.

Do Port Wine Stains Fade When Pressed?

The pigmentation of these birthmarks stays the same color when pressure is applied. This differs from other types of markings on the skin that do get lighter when pressed on.

Do Lasers Remove Port Wine Stains?

Laser treatments can help minimize the appearance of a port wine stain, which makes it less noticeable. Results from laser treatment varies depending on certain factors, such as how large or how dark the stains are. Some people may need to have several laser treatment sessions for the port wine stain to be removed.

Is a Port Wine Stain a Hemangioma?

Port wine stains and hemangiomas are types of birthmarks that occur due to vascular problems. While port wine stains do not go away over time and can actually get worse, hemangiomas, such as strawberry hemangiomas, usually do fade with age.

What is Sturge Weber Syndrome?

Sturge Weber syndrome is a potentially serious condition that can cause seizures, vision problems, migraines and other problems in some children. Port wine stains that occur on the face or scalp can be a sign of Sturge Weber syndrome.

Do Hemangiomas Go Away?

Hemangiomas, such as strawberry hemangiomas, typically go away on their own as children get older. This differs from port wine stains that often become rougher and darker as children age.

If you have a port wine stain and are looking for treatment options, contact Greater Miami Skin & Laser Center for more information. Our dermatologists will thoroughly examine your skin and recommend the best treatment options for your needs.

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